Browse and Search for projects below, or give to an unlisted project here.
Helping new missionaries from the Global South with one-time, outgoing expenses so they can get to the field sooner.
Support for a national worker who will help coordinate Comunicando Vida's events and trainings, and assist with counseling.
Helping Persian believers take the next steps in their biblical and entrepreneurial formation in order to expedite the Gospel to the Persian diaspora.
Providing scholarships will help missionaries and church leaders from the Global South accelerate Avant’s church-planting objectives globally.
More than half of the population live below the poverty line. The waterwheel will provide physical hope as well as hope of living water.
Arabic Ministries at MMC produce Arabic media with the goal of seeing thriving communities of believers in hard to reach areas.
Counseling, workshops and conferences help hurting people heal and discover hope in Jesus Christ.
More than 330 Syrian children have been given the opportunity to learn Math, Science, Arabic, English and most importantly, the gospel of Jesus.
Avant's recruitment team is continually recruiting new individuals and teams to go to the nations.
Give to help our missionaries in unexpected times so that they can continue to share the gospel around the world.
SETECA is one of the largest evangelical seminaries in Latin America, preparing leaders for the church for over 95 years.
Support theological education of church leaders and cross-cultural in central Mexico at the Puebla Bible Seminary.