The Church
Send. Plant. Develop. Nurture. Partner. Together.

The Church is the heart and soul of Avant. We exist to plant and develop churches in the unreached areas of the world. We've been doing it since the 19th century, and haven't deviated from this calling. We do it intentionally, and with specifically-crafted and proven church planting principles. But we don't and can't do it alone. We partner with sending churches in order to see new churches planted globally.
What is Joint Venture?
The typical Joint Venture team consists of six to ten adults from your congregation who train together in Avant’s method of church planting. The team will spend five to seven years planting churches in an unreached area of the world. Depending on location, the time could be shorter or longer to see a healthy church emerge.
Your church recruits a team from within the congregation, selects the field location, and creates a timeline for deployment. As your agency, Avant provides training, administrative details as well as a broad range of cross-cultural guidance.
Each Joint Venture team will be different because every church is unique. However, the goal is always the same: missionaries are sent, the gospel is preached and churches are planted!
Shared Responsibility
Church | Avant |
Biblical Training | Cross-Cultural Training |
Discipleship | Leadership Development |
Member Selection | Team Training |
Field Selection | Field Structure and Oversight |
Missionary Care | Member Care |
Ministry Needs | Personnel Needs |
Nurturing | Supervising |
Communication | Communication |
Joint Venture was created to mobilize members of a given church to serve together overseas. Watch a video overview.