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Glenn & Judy Stewart

Project #89260

Serving as Member Care to Guatemala and the Avant Retiree community 

Glenn grew up on the mission field while his parents served with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Mexico translating the Bible into the Mazahua language. After attending boarding school (Ben Lippen High School) in Asheville, NC, he got his A&P mechanics training at Moody Bible Institute.

Judy grew up in Dallas, Texas receiving her missionary calling while on a Northwest Bible Church youth mission trip to Guatemala.. She later graduated from the missions major at Moody Bible Institute.

The Stewarts have served most of their 45+ years of married life in over-seas assignments. They raised their 3 children while serving with South America Mission in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Their ministry included aircraft mechanic, field leadership, church planting and hospitality, yet throughout their ministry there has been thread of member care.

The Stewarts joined CAM International in 2004 and in 2006, they moved to Guatemala City working solely in the area of Member Care. Recently Glenn and Judy relocated to Tyler, Texas and continue with several international trips to Guatemala each year. Now they have begun a Member Care ministry to the retiree community of Avant.

What does member care look like? It can be anything from a phone call, Zoom call, personal visit, or even helping with learning how to "sign into" a computer account. Attending a graduation party, delivering Krispy Kreme donuts to a missionary, throwing a Super Bowl party or even having a Wednesday afternoon lunch date with a missionary couple are different ways the Stewarts are creative in making the missionaries feel loved and appreciated through hospitality and building community with the (Guatemala) missionary family.

The Stewarts feel blessed with 3 adult children, their spouses and 8 grandchildren.