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Jon & Libby White

Project #90255

Mobilizing Spanish Speakers to Reach the World 

Jon and Libby believe that the Latino church is a key player in reaching the least reached around the world, and that Rio Grande Bible College (Rio Grande) plays a pivotal role in mobilizing Latinos for God’s global mission. We truly believe that Latin America is no longer just a mission field but a mission force.

Jon and Libby were sent by Camino Global to Puebla Mexico in 2010 where they served two years before moving to Edinburg, Texas to serve at Rio Grande. Rio Grande is a Spanish language Bible College that serves Latino students across Latin America. With students from more than 18 countries and a passion to see the Gospel preached around the world, Rio Grande has established itself as a leader in mobilizing Latino students for ministry and missions.

Jon serves as the director of missions and finances for the college as well as the team leader for the Rio Grande Valley. In this way Jon serves in key roles for the college and desires to help the college advance in its mission to see Latinos trained with a Biblical worldview for the Global church. We now have former students serving as missionaries all around the world.

As Rio Grande’s students come from across Latin America the school strives to make their time as affordable as possible. To make this possible the school requires all its staff to raise their own support to pay for their salaries.

We have two young children, Robert & Kaitlyn. They were both adopted from birth, and are currently in Elementary school. We feel very blessed to have them in our home and in our lives.

Your prayers and donations make this ministry possible!

Thank you for your support and prayers!

Jon & Libby