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Nate & Katy Wiens

Project #12384

Serving the Lord at Black Forest Academy, Kandern Germany 

Greetings from our family; Nate, Katy, Nya, Judah and Zeke!

Our family talks often of keeping our 'YES' on the table, which means we want to be ready and willing to respond affirmatively to any adventure God has for us. The past few years have been a prayerful process of moving our hearts away from Nate’s job in college coaching toward a new adventure. We began focusing on our passion to serve and mentor young people. With a family history of missions, boarding schools, parents in ministry, and a soft spot for kids growing up in the aforementioned environment, all of our praying lead us to Black Forest Academy, a boarding school for missionary kids. Nate will serve as a guidance counselor the first year, then we will transition into the role of dorm parents.

Located in Southern Germany in the town of Kandern, BFA is home to 220 students of which, 120 are high school boarding students whose parents are missionaries in Korea, North Africa and Europe. We are passionate about seeing young people who grow up as MK's (missionary kids) love Jesus and develop a deep faith of their own. We're also excited about missions and reaching the world for Jesus. BFA is an institution passionate about accomplishing both of these things, and we are excited to join in this ministry.

Please reach out to us personally at