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Immersion 15

Camp Mid Term USA - Alaska

Dates: May 2024-July 2025
Minimum age: 21
Application deadline: March 31st

Immersion 15 is a discipleship program that gives you the opportunity to learn about God’s heart for the world while gaining real-life experiences on the mission field. This program is for young adults (ages 21+) interested in cross-cultural missions or want to confirm their calling to the nations.

Learn how God uniquely created you and how you can use your gifts to make a kingdom impact. You will also be part of a community that cultivates strong relationships as you grow together.

During the school year, you will be going through a curriculum designed to root you in God’s word, build a strong understanding of missions, teach you different methods of sharing the Gospel and walk through the process of planting a church in a cross-cultural context.

This program is designed to give you hands-on opportunities to apply what you are learning in real-life situations. You will have opportunities to serve in several capacities, whether it’s at camp, a local church, or through new relationships.

Discipleship is the heart of this program. You will have a mentor who will coach you, pray with you, and help you grow and mature as a believer. They are here to walk with you through the ups and downs of life on the mission field.

15-Month Snapshot

Summer #1: Spend the summer at Echo Ranch Bible Camp in Alaska serving as a counselor, program, or other summer staff position.

School year: During the school year, you will live in Alaska where you will get a part-time job, work with the local church and spend a significant time learning about missions and the need in the world.

Summer #2: You can choose between going back to Echo Ranch or from a variety of other short-term summer trips. Your mentor can help you decide which opportunity would be the best fit for you. A list of options will be available in November of your year of service.

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