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Short Term Experiences 2024

Camp Church Planting Greece Guatemala Spain Internship Short Term Latin America North America

Dates: May-September 2024

All dates can be customized based on the needs of the missionary and the go-er.

Spain - Camp focused
Springs of Life camp serves churches, pastors, and children through outreach events, retreats, and camps. There are a variety of ministry positions available including general camp upkeep, maintenance, IT, and office jobs.

Greece - Church planting focused
This opportunity allows you to work with an existing church plant in Kypseli, Greece
while living on the Greek Bible College campus, where some classes are available for credit. Ministry opportunities include serving Muslim immigrants, community outreach, and camps.

Middle East - Immersive Arabic-intensive program
Join an existing team that is currently focusing on language and culture learning, as well as developing dialect-specific resources for Arabic learners. Interns will be involved in Arabic language learning and street evangelism around the country.

Alaska - Camp focused
Echo Ranch Bible Camp hosts nine weeks of camp in the summer for kids from ages 7 to 18. There are multiple opportunities to serve as a camp counselor, wrangler, kitchen staff, maintenance, camp nurse, and media.

Tanzania - Church planting focused
Join a team that has planted a church among a Tanzanian tribe and is now working on Bible translation and mobilization. There are about 28 tribes still living without access to the gospel. After completing some language and culture learning, interns will stay in a village for 2-3 weeks to assist a local ministry and outreach in that area.

Colombia - Church planting focused
Join an existing team that is working in partnership with a local church plant. Interns will use their specific skills and passions to assist the ministry in a variety of ways, such as marketing, music, art, education, and more! Considering the intern’s interests a ministry plan will be developed and carried out with missionary oversight.

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