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Planned Giving

Leave an Enduring Legacy
In Canada
Avant Ministries Canada is pleased to introduce and recommend Abundance Canada to our donors and supporters. You can be confident that Abundance Canada will serve you professionally and with integrity to ensure your charitable and financial goals are met.
 - Mike Reimer, Executive Director
In the United States

Leave a Legacy of Reaching the Unreached Globally

When you include Avant Ministries as part of your overall estate and financial plans, you provide resources to allow us to train, send and serve missionaries globally for many years to come.

This can be done with gift planning tools such as a Will, Charitable Gift Annuity, Revocable Living Trust, or a Charitable Remainder Trust. These tools provide a unique and abiding way to build the resources of Avant Ministries for a sustainable future of ministry impact.

Some of these tools include:


Annuities are an excellent way to help both Avant and yourself. Donors who purchase annuities are guaranteed a fixed income for life, qualify for a one-time tax deduction, and upon the annuitant’s death, the remaining balance is transferred to Avant Ministries.

Charitable Trust

Charitable Trusts allow a donor to set aside money or property and pay it out to a beneficiary. This can be done through a series of payments or a lump sum. For specific details about a variety of Charitable Trusts available for planned giving, contact our development office.

Revocable Income Agreement

With this agreement, sums of money can be put on deposit with Avant and earn interest income above current CD rates. This agreement is fully revocable during one’s lifetime but at death the principle becomes the property of Avant. Individual or joint agreements are available.


An Avant supporter can make a provision in his or her will for a portion of an estate to go to the Lord’s work. We encourage these supporters to give either a set amount or a percentage to their church and other ministries they have faithfully supported during their lifetime. This allows them to have a continuing impact for the Kingdom of God beyond their lifetime.

For more information on how planned giving can benefit you and the ministry of Avant, please...