East Africa: Equipping Church Planters
The work of Avant missionaries in Africa dates to the 19th century. Much progress has been made to establish and grow Christ’s Church in more than 130 years of ministry on the continent. Yet, a huge challenge remains. Churches in rural and impoverished communities, accounting for more than 70% of Africa’s total population, remain handicapped in planning and implementing their church budgets. Self-sustainability has simply not been possible for most of these churches.
War in South Sudan and northern Sudan has been a persistent reality in recent years, leading to millions of displaced people and refugees. The effects of the war have ramped up, making a challenging situation even more dire. Still, even in the chaos of war and displacement, God is building His Church.
Our missionaries in East Africa, in collaboration with African partners, created a holistic and practical training course that pairs basic theological and church planting education with biblical stewardship and entrepreneurship. This home-grown strategy is contextualized, culturally sensitive, and promotes self-sustainability.
Last year, 380 people took part in these trainings held in South Sudan, the Congo, and Uganda, including the refugee camps along the northern border. Graduates are implementing the teaching practically within their families, their churches, and their local communities. Over the next five years, we hope to expand this ministry and train at least 1,750 pastors and leaders who will also be equipped to pass on what they learn and train others.
Avant is coming alongside this initiative assisting with the costs involved in the training program. Your gift to this project will transform lives and equip local pastors and leaders to develop healthy, reproducing churches that impact their communities for Christ.