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of Global Impact and Transformation
of Global Impact and Transformation
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19 Sep 17
Education Field Story Middle East
The Common Thread Between Bartimaeus and Wasim
At times we find ourselves in situations that cause us to question why certain things happen. Even in uncertain times God is sovereign, the same is true in missions. Thankfully God is sovereign beyond...
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13 Sep 17
Steve, missionary to Africa
Africa Field Story Mali
Hope Because of Radio
Radio is a powerful ministry. The Lord has used this ministry to reach the unreached in Mali, a nation that desperately needs the hope and healing of the gospel.
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16 Aug 17
Randy Alderfer; Camp Director Echo Ranch Bible Camp
Camp Field Story North America
Built With Purpose
God uses different pieces in our life to work together for His great purpose. The work of missions is much the same, each piece is significant in the larger picture.
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02 Aug 17
Sylvia Schroeder, Women's Care Coordinator
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Get Me Out Of Here
At times we feel as though God has given us too much to handle, but as we trust in Him we learn and grow. Hardships teach reliance on God, we can see that in everyday life and especially in missions.
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21 Jul 17
Gord Skopnik, missionary to South Sudan
Africa Church Planting Field Story
South Sudan: The Birth Place of Orphans
We never know how God will use our witness to help others and how he will transform their lives! God continues to reach the unreached around the world!
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29 Jun 17
Becca Robinson, missionary to Uruguay
Church Planting Field Story Latin America
Pit Stop In Uruguay
Many times things do not go according to plan, but all the while God is at work. In missions we must adapt to change and trust God with the outcome.
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15 Jun 17
Laurel Caldbeck; Missionary in Europe
Church Planting Europe Field Story
The Broken In My Jerusalem
God calls us to follow where He leads. We must trust Him in guiding us to those in our neighborhood, to those across town and even those around the world.
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02 Jun 17
Corina Soria, missionary to Bolivia
Bolivia Church Support Field Story
From Hopeless to Hopeful
Missions is about relationships and seeing God provide and work in individuals hearts. Milton's story is one of new-found hope. Hope for his future and family.
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19 May 17
Sylvia Schroeder, Women's Care Coordinator
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Nobody told Me to Bring a Rocking Chair
The Lord helps us learn different lessons while living overseas. Each day is an opportunity to lean on the Lord and be held together by Him.
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04 May 17
Doreen Neufeld, missionary to Bolivia
Bolivia Church Planting Field Story
Bold Encounter
Missions work is about being a bold witness and trusting God He will use us to be a light in dark places and about befriending those we come in contact with.
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