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Field Story Relief Ukraine

21 Days of Silence

They were taking refuge in a basement as their apartment building was burned by tank and rocket fire.

It has been 21 days since a Ukrainian pastor had heard from his parents who were living in a war-torn area of Ukraine. They were taking refuge in a basement as their apartment building was burned by tank and rocket fire. After the silence of 21 days the Pastor’s niece brought the welcomed news that his parents were alive! His niece and her husband were able to evacuate them from that area and move them towards a different city.

After locating fuel for the car which has become difficult to find, the pastor’s parents were taken away under shelling and bombing grateful to be alive. Once they left that city, they made a welcomed phone call, and were able to talk to the pastor for a little bit! What a miracle this is!

We could share story after story of the miracles that are taking place and the ways that people are loving and caring for others despite the devastation of this crisis. The church is being the literal hands and feet of Jesus and there are endless opportunities to do so.

Our local church is distributing food to those in need and offering hospitality to those transiting through going west with at times 20-25 people each night staying with various people from our church.

Food and gasoline have been among some of the tangible ways we have been able to help those we encounter. The church immediately began working on the purchase, formation, and distribution of food packages to needy people. We were able to help some visually impaired people who cannot buy their own food.

Along with food packages, our volunteers hand out prayer books and sometimes they can pray for them at that moment. People are very open and grateful that the Church cares for them at this difficult time.

Through your giving we can financially help those who have been affected by this crisis. We are grateful for your partnership through prayer and finances that allows us to be a light to the people of Ukraine, and beyond, during this challenging time.

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