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Church Planting Europe Field Story Slovenia

The Kiosk Guy

"Don’t miss a chance to share Jesus with people you encounter every day."

In March, I was looking for a store in the mall that had relocated and decided to ask a man at a kiosk for its new location. After he gave me directions he quickly asked me if he could show me something. I reluctantly nodded, knowing that I had just forfeited the next several minutes of my life in order to listen to Kiosk Guy’s sales pitch. Sure enough, he pulled out some Dead Sea something-or-other that I just had to have, and would absolutely change my world. Hear the sarcasm? Then, he asked me about my life and I asked about his. Turns out he was half Finnish, half Israeli and professed to be Jewish. Intrigued, I asked about his spiritual life and views.

It doesn’t really matter what you believe in, as long as you believe in something.” He answered, in a thick accent. He personally believed that since he was part of God’s chosen people, he would be going to heaven.

How do you know for sure?” I asked.

There is really no way to be sure, if I get there, then I will be there. If not…” He shrugged. We talked about several other things pertaining to Jewish beliefs and the Bible and I tried to make him think about the holes in his viewpoint, challenging him to search for the truth about Jesus. Finally, he went back to selling his product. When I declined the ridiculously high price, he chopped it in half.

So I said, “I will buy this if you come to church with me on Easter Sunday.”

He smiled at me and said, “Eh… I’m sorry, I don’t normally go to that kind of church, I usually go to a Jewish synagogue.”

So I replied, “Eh… I’m sorry, I don’t normally buy my beauty products from a Kiosk at the mall.”

He laughed, and said, “Keep smiling, and have a wonderful day.”

I want to encourage you, don’t miss a chance to share Jesus with people you encounter every day. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about their beliefs, be kind, gentle, and loving. You may be surprised at the people God places in your path if you are faithful to take advantage of the opportunities he gives you to share about what God has done in your life!

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