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Field Story Member Care

Caring for Your Missionaries During the Holidays

"When I looked out our apartment window in this Muslim country, however, people were going about their business as they would any other day. We enjoyed our family time together, but I can still feel the isolation of that Christmas. I felt very far from home."

Twenty years ago, our family lived in North Africa for two years. In those days, no Christmas décor could be found in our city: no strings of lights, no wrapping paper, no Christmas cards. I had our family ornaments, but no tree to put them on. When Christmas morning arrived, our kids dug into their stockings, and we ate our traditional Christmas cinnamon rolls. When I looked out our apartment window in this Muslim country, however, people were going about their business as they would any other day. We enjoyed our family time together, but I can still feel the isolation of that Christmas. I felt very far from home. 

Not all missionaries live where Christmas isn't celebrated, but all of us feel the distance from our families more sharply during this season. How can ministry partners care for their missionaries at this time when they feel most lonely and far from their loved ones? 

  1. Remember them. This season is busy for you too, but taking a few moments to send a message to say that you are thinking of them and praying for them is deeply meaningful. 
  2. Remember the children of your missionaries. Any kid loves to receive a card or gift just for them. If you are someone they spent time with on their last visit, you could include a photo of your family to remind them who you are. 
  3. Be curious. Ask how Christmas is celebrated where they live, or what other holidays are like if their country doesn't celebrate Christmas. This demonstrates an interest in their lives, not just the work that they do. 
  4. Before sending a package, ask about import taxes. This practical question can save your missionary a lot of money. There may be alternative ways to send gifts that won't include expensive taxes, like ordering from their local Amazon.
  5. Pray. Ask God to comfort them when they miss their family and to speak to them in fresh ways during the Christmas season. 

After those years in North Africa, our family moved to Spain where Christmas is celebrated, although differently from the U.S. We created our own traditions, blended from the two cultures. I still miss my family on Christmas day, especially now that our boys live far away, but I love celebrating with our international church family and our multicultural ministry team. Over the years, we have celebrated Christmas with Christians from many cultures, which has enriched our experience of honoring Christ's birth.


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