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Global ISC USA - ISC Member Care Member Care

Glorifying God Through Relational Care

"We are intertwined in relationships marked by mutuality and care, which enables each to fulfill the mission of glorifying God through planting and developing new churches in the unreached areas of the world."
About a month ago I walked around the Avant International Service Center and asked people to describe the Trinity. No, not the BBQ trinity of brisket, ribs, and sausage/burnt ends (you have to clarify these things in this part of the country), but the distinctiveness and union of the Godhead - Father, Spirit, and Son. Words such as “complete,” “mind-boggling,” “intertwined,” “indescribable,” “united,” “active,” “joyful,” “love,” “generous,” and “relational” were used. Other than words used to describe the mysterious nature of the Trinity, most words pointed to a reciprocal relationship amongst unique members of a larger whole. This is indicative of the reality that God is fundamentally relational, living with and for one another together. In Genesis 1: 26-27, it is written that we, as humans, are created in the image of God. What can this mean but that we too are relational beings?

God’s triune self is the basis for our pillar of relational care at Avant Ministries. We are to be in communion with God and people in relationships based on mutual giving and receiving. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul writes that as believers we are part of one body, but each one of us has a specific role that benefits the whole. At Avant, we take the body metaphor seriously. Missionaries going to the field may be the feet, carrying the gospel to new places, but the feet cannot go without the interrelated yet specific parts of the whole. Those in the training department may be the legs that help the feet know how to go. Those in the communications department may be the mouth, proclaiming the work of God through our missionaries and the needs that still exist. Those in member care may be the hands, reaching out and serving missionaries to ensure health and resilience. There are many more departments I could describe, like accounting, fundraising, field leadership, global security, etc. The point is that each person within Avant is wildly invested in the success of the other. To be a member of Avant is to be relational.

No one at Avant is a number or name on a page. Although we have policies and procedures that help the organization run smoothly, the process does not trump relationship. The uniqueness of each person is considered and, if needed, exceptions are made to ensure the thriving and health of members. At Avant we are intertwined in relationships marked by mutuality and care, which enables each to fulfill the mission of glorifying God by helping others enjoy His presence through planting and developing new churches in the unreached areas of the world.

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