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Brazil Field Story

Gospel Proclaimed: Life Transformed

“Years ago, everyone knew Beto as the town drunk. God knew him as one who would eventually take the gospel where it was not yet known.”

Years ago, everyone in Pires Ferreira, Brazil, knew Beto as the town drunk. God knew him as one who would eventually take the gospel where it was not yet known.

Beto was living a life totally controlled by this vice. Others in his village had completely given up on him. When his friend would bring him back to his house in a wheelbarrow after a night of heavy drinking, his wife would just leave him to sleep outside. God had other plans for Beto’s life and never gave up on him.

At that time, Avant missionaries serving in Beto’s town were able to share the gospel with him for the very first time. When he heard it, he believed wholeheartedly, and his life was changed forever. The Avant missionary taught him how to read, then how to study the Bible for himself, and even how to teach others. Beto’s heart to reach Brazilians grew. His pastor even said about him “if you want to hear the gospel, just live near Beto!” He continued to be equipped and established in his faith over the next several.

This year, Avant missionaries working in the same region created the Brazil: Multiplying Churches project. They had visited a town recently called Campo Lindo and asked where they could find an evangelical church nearby. They were told that there had never been one there before. They felt a huge burden to take the gospel there, but had no land, no building, and seemingly no one to go. They were doubtful they would find the resources to reach those people, but again, God had other plans.

When the missionaries went back to the flourishing church in Pires Ferreira to ask if there would be anyone willing to plant a church in Campo Lindo, Beto quickly volunteered. “I’ll go!” he said. Soon after, they were able to use some of the first funds that came in from the Multiplying Churches project to purchase land and begin construction on a building in Campo Lindo. Since they bought the land, Beto has already been boldly proclaiming the gospel in Campo Lindo, and local believers are meeting in a rental space until the church building is finished.

Praise God for the way he weaves stories together!

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