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Field Story Poland Ukraine Relief

Polish Churches Unite

Be encouraged – the churches are stepping up to the challenge. The entire church is showing the love of God in very practical ways.

Gdansk, Poland.  Marcin is a Polish pastor of a church in Gdansk. His church was planted out of the Avant church plant. His church has also been on the front lines of welcoming Ukrainian refugees pouring into Poland. He drove down to the border for a week helping people go from the border to safe locations where they could shower and get some rest before they resettle somewhere else.

Clint, one of our Avant missionaries who helped plant Marcin’s church checked in with him. “Hey, can we send finances to you?” Clint asked. “Oh thanks, but it’s been great to see the church plant own this. We want to help.” Marcin replied.

The heartbeat of Avant is to plant healthy, self-sustaining churches. It’s encouraging to see this local church stand on its own two feet and respond to this crisis. Another Avant missionary and Polish citizen is so proud of the way the churches and Poles have stepped into this crisis. “The churches and all of Poles are absolutely fantastic. Everyone, I mean everyone is helping! We have never seen such a unity in Poland. Be encouraged – the churches are stepping up to the challenge. The entire church is showing the love of God in very practical ways”

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