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Field Story Poland Ukraine

Power of Testimonies

God used our stories to open the hearts of many women who are now refugees and single mothers.

We hosted two women and children's events at a refugee center in Gdańsk, Poland. At our first event, the women volunteers shared their testimonies in front of 40 women from Ukraine. God used our stories to open the hearts of many women who are now refugees and single mothers.

At the meeting we met Mila*, who loved to listen to our testimonies. After the meeting she asked us to take her to a church. I contacted a friend and asked her if there is an evangelical church in the area. On Sunday, she took Mila and her friend, Anastasiya to a nearby church. Anastasiya is nonbeliever and it was her first time at an evangelical church. Later she said she felt peace in her heart. She wants to look for a church when she goes back to home

Another woman from the first meeting, Oksana* was also moved to seek God. Oksana learned she was pregnant with her sixth child a few weeks after fleeing Ukraine. While her partner is in Ukraine, she is managing a house alone with her five other children.

One of the women who shared her testimony, Ira, also shared of a ministry in Poland called “Save a life.” This organization helps women mentally, financially, and physically prepare for a child even when the situation seems hopeless. Oksana came up to Ira at the end of the meeting and recalled all the moments in her life where she felt God. This was one of those moments. Ira was able to connect Oksana with Save a Life ministry now Oksana is asking to read the Bible.

While the women shared stories, the children participated in English classes, crafts, science experiments and sports. The volunteers from Poland, Ukraine, and the US worked together to provide a fun day for the children. Many of the volunteers themselves were refugees and it was amazing to see their service to others in the same situation.

*Pseudonym used

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