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Central Asia Field Story

Putting Himself in the Shoes of the Other

"Moved by the love of Christ, Moisés gave the man his own pair of shoes and shared with him God’s gift offer of life through Christ."

It’s one thing to hear secondhand about the desperate and dying on the other side of the world, and another to see their empty eyes face-to-face and have firsthand physical contact. That was the testimony of a summer missions’ team of our students, two married couples and two singles who went to South Asia. The group departed from Rio Grande Bible College here in Texas and they had a summer full of opportunities, growth, and ability to see firsthand what it is like to share the gospel with the unreached.

They experienced a new culture, a new language, sights and sounds that were different but they were reminded also that the Lord longs and desires to see these also come to know Him. They noticed the striking difference between the empty eyes of young, abandoned adolescents living in the streets without hope and the brightened eyes of those who had been abused and orphaned but now have Christ in their heart. They can say with the psalmist, “This I know, that God is for me” (Ps. 56:9). At least one of the couples and a single from that team feel God’s call to return to the same country for long-term ministry.  

We rejoice with the Lord for how He uses different opportunities that we have to continue to call us into deeper relationship with Him. Our students had opportunities to learn and grow in unique ways this summer, ways we hope will continue to mold them for the ministry they Lord has for them.

We use the expression, “putting yourself in the shoes of the other person”. Moisés, one of our students from Ecuador, did that but with a little twist. He was asked to lead the Bolivia summer missions team. He expressed how inadequate he felt being the leader. They were ministering among drug addicts in the city of Santa Cruz. Moisés drew close to one of the addicts whom he described as having one cheek bulging with coca leaves, torn clothes, hadn’t bathed for many days, and in need of footwear. Moved by the love of Christ, Moisés gave the man his own pair of shoes and shared with him God’s gift offer of life through Christ. By “putting himself in the shoes of the other”, he put the other in his own shoes!

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