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Proclaim the Lord’s greatness with me.
Let us exalt His name together.

Psalm 34:3 CSB

Praise God for His faithfulness and His work around the world! Here are some highlights of how God has been at work through Avant. Thank you for your partnership that makes this ministry possible!
Spiritual Impact From Relief Efforts in Beirut

After the 2020 explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, our workers partnered with local churches to help people who were suffering great loss. As a result of this outreach, people came to know the Lord as their Savior and a group started meeting regularly to study the Bible. Eventually, this group of new believers needed a place to meet. With the remaining funds from this project, we were able to help them rent a meeting place and furnish it with chairs and a sound system. In October of 2022, they celebrated the grand opening of this new church in the heart of Beirut. Your support made this possible. Thank you!

Relief for Ukrainian Refugees

Because of your incredible generosity, Ukrainian refugees have been cared for in countless ways. Through the Ukraine Crisis Response project, we were able to provide funding for 17 different churches in multiple countries that ministered to Ukrainian refugees. Your financial gifts provided clothing, food, housing, transportation, heating stoves, emergency medical supplies, Bibles, and camp experiences for refugee children. Most importantly, lives have been changed for eternity! This would not have been possible without your generous support. Thank you!

See a short video and other stories of what God has done through this project here:

Baptisms Through Agricultural Co-op Project

The farming implements that were purchased through this project have been a huge benefit to the bi-vocational church leaders who are using their farms to minister to people in their surrounding villages. We are thrilled to see growth in the Bible studies they lead, both numerically and spiritually. One village Bible study is attended by about 20 people, and the other two deacons continue faithfully to stir up and maintain interest in Christ-centered gatherings in their villages.

In the summer of 2022, eight believers from these village studies publicly declared their commitment to Christ through baptism! The baptisms took place in the main river that runs through the city of Gori, which was Stalin's hometown. This is the place where Stalin swore that "Christianity" would one day become so obsolete that nobody in future generations would even recognize the term.

Praise God for His faithfulness and His Spirit that continues to work in people’s lives. Praise Him for these brothers and sisters in Georgia who have put their faith in Christ and publicly declared Him as their Lord!

180 Graduates from the Messengers of Hope Training

In 2022, the Messengers of Hope training graduated 180 participants who are now training others. The training has expanded beyond the country of South Sudan to various surrounding nations.

Leaders who received the training report that it is changing people’s values, work, and relationships. The training is impacting lives and bringing great transformation in families, churches, and communities. God is working through His Spirit and people are placing their faith in Christ, being baptized, and joining discipleship groups. New churches are being planted throughout central Africa.

One team leader writes, “Look what God has done! Thank God for all the donors, partners, and friends who sacrificially extended their financial support to Africa to empower leaders, vulnerable people, families, churches, and communities.” 

Opportunities for Leadership Development in Mexico

Over the holiday season, our missionary leading the Mexico Leadership Development project had the opportunity to share at a Christmas celebration where he challenged local pastors and church leaders to consider what God was asking them to do in the New Year. Around 250 people from ten different churches were in attendance.

After the message, one of the elderly pastors, who has planted various churches and been a mentor to many other pastors in the area, shared that God spoke to Him through the message and was telling him to take specific steps in His ministry. He said, “The greatest challenge in ministry as I see it, is leadership Development. How do we prepare pastors, leaders, and teachers to do ministry?” This is exactly what we want to see happen through the Mexico leadership Development project, pastors and church leaders training and discipling those whom God is calling into ministry so they can be ministers of the gospel where Christ is not known.

Our missionary shared that this project has become much bigger, and the need is much greater than they imagined. They ask us to pray for wisdom, strength, and energy to come alongside churches and equip those whom God is calling into ministry.  

New Churches Planted in 2022

In 2022 we celebrated new church plants by Avant missionaries in France, Mexico, Italy, and Southeast Asia. We are also celebrating many other churches that were planted through ministry partnerships and projects. Praise God for drawing people to Himself, and for growing His Church all over the world!

Please pray for each of these churches, that God would continue to unify believers in Christ and that they would be a beautiful testimony of Christ's love to the world.

These are only a few of the highlights and stories of what God did in and through the people and ministries of Avant worldwide. See more stories of global impact, or explore our stories on Facebook or Instagram.