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Ukraine: Redemptive Relief

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Avant has had a presence and ministry in Eurasia for more than 30 years. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February of 2022, our workers and churches in the region jumped into action to minister to the refugees fleeing Ukraine. As the crisis unfolded, our workers and churches were committed to short-term crisis relief, mid-term support as additional needs became evident, and long-term outreach to plant and develop healthy churches in this region.

Avant opened the Ukraine Crisis Response project to support our workers and associated churches in their efforts to alleviate much of the suffering around them. God used the generous gifts of our partners to enable believers, churches, and missionaries to minister physically and spiritually to those affected by the war. We praise God that He has transformed the lives of many who now love and follow Him.

Now, more than two years later, there are people still in crisis with many of the same needs such as food, clothing, and medicine. Our missionaries and churches are finding creative ways to engage and continue ministering to those suffering the tragedies of the war. If you are led to contribute to this ongoing ministry your gift will be used to provide for the various physical needs of people as well as mobilize more believers to share the message of the gospel in this region.

You can learn more about how God has been at work through our missionaries, churches, and generous ministry partners in the video and stories below. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel!


A Refugee Serves

One Ukrainian refugee finds her niche providing mental health care to Ukrainian students in Poland.

A Church Responds

One church in Ukraine has been very active helping refugees transiting through their town.

A Journey to Safety

An opportunity to get people out of the refugee camps and into a safe place to restart life.

Power of Testimonies

God is opening the hearts of women from Ukraine who are now refugees and single mothers.

Polish Churches Unite

Churches in Poland step up to the challenge of receiving and caring for Ukrainian refugees.

21 Days of Silence

A Ukranian Pastor didn't know if his parents were alive for 21 days. The Church helped them reunite.

Refuge in the Storm

Irina waits in Poland for the war to end so she can return to her husband and her life in Ukraine.

A Temporary Home

A church in Poland has become a temporary home to Ukrainian women and their young children.

Ways to Pray

  1. Pray for believers and churches in Ukraine and Russia to stand firm in their faith and be strengthened through this challenging time.
  2. Pray that the hope of the gospel will comfort those who are grieving amidst the brokenness and devastation around them.
  3. Pray for Avant’s ongoing work in the region. Pray for safety for those ministering to people affected by the war. Pray that hearts will be open to the gospel and people will receive Christ’s love and find refuge in Jesus.

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