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Church Planting Recruitment

One Goal, Diverse Strategies

"We are trusting God that He will use our creativity and collaboration to implement diverse strategies and accomplish our one goal: His glory."

This month, I read stories from a teacher in the Middle East, a coffee shop owner in Senegal, a camp director in Mexico, a pastry chef in France, a church planter in Central Asia, and a seminary professor in Argentina. No story looked the same. The setting, the characters, and the background were each completely unique. However, the common thread of each story is that God is building His church among the unreached, and each storyteller is thrilled to be used by Him to accomplish it.

Our goal at Avant is to glorify God by helping others enjoy His presence through planting and developing new churches in the unreached areas of the world. This is an enormous task. We see the thousands of unreached people groups in the world. We see the immense obstacles to reaching them: there are physical, cultural, and spiritual barriers that must be overcome.

Accomplishing this one goal of planting new, healthy, and reproducing churches in unreached areas requires both creativity and collaboration, which are the core values of Avant. Because our world is diverse, reaching it requires diverse strategies. Through innovative approaches in business, media, camp, education, and global engagement, we fuel our one objective. We trust that the Lord has given us creativity, that He has given us a community to work within, and that He will use these qualities to advance His kingdom into places where He is not yet known.

On teams comprised of missionaries with unique skills, talents, and giftings, our missionaries are empowered to display the diversity of the Kingdom of God as they bring the light of the gospel to people groups who previously lived in complete darkness. These teams allow us to take the unique paths necessary to fulfill our calling to plant and develop new churches where there previously was no church.

As we look toward the task of the Great Commission, we are trusting God that He will use our creativity and collaboration to implement diverse strategies and accomplish our one goal: His glory.

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