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Field Story Mexico

Christ Our Purifier

"When I saw Hector again the Lord opened a door to share this message with him. This encounter with Hector was very special; he understood the message of Christ and the need to believe only in Him."

After moving to Mexico, we have witnessed and experienced many things that are different from our home countries. In Mexico, potable water is scarce, and tap water cannot be consumed since it is not purified. Therefore, you must have water jugs at home for drinking and meals. For this reason, there are many water businesses everywhere, known as "Purificadoras" or purifiers. In our neighborhood we have one, and upon our arrival, we started ordering water from this place. Hector, an elderly man, brings us 5 water jugs twice a month. In these first months I have come to know him and have been able to learn a bit about his work and family, etc. In my daily prayer I asked God to provide an opportunity for me to share the Gospel with him when I see him again.

It is amazing to see how the Lord guides us, even in how to talk about Him. Providentially, I was reading and studying John 4 to share a message at a church plant here started by a missionary. While reading this passage, I thought of Hector. The Lord was very clear about how I should present the gospel message to him. In this passage we read about Jesus Christ as the living water. Christ not only satisfies us but purifies our lives from sin and cleanses the impurities within us that keep us from God. He is the Purifier. The story of the Samaritan woman and her encounter with Jesus, clearly connected with the work Hector does. Christ came to fulfill what we cannot do, no matter how hard we try in a thousand ways; we need someone pure and clean to stand before God. Christ did that.

When I saw Hector again the Lord opened a door to share this message with him. This encounter with Hector was very special; he understood the message of Christ and the need to believe only in Him. His response was not rejection but an interest in understanding what I was telling him about. He has not found answers to his questions from his experience with the Roman Catholic tradition and neither have encounters with Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons provide the truth. Thanks to a ministry here, I could give him a New Testament and a calendar with different Bible verses on it. I also invited him to our home to study the Word of God together.

In Mexico, many people share similar thoughts like Hector regarding the Roman Catholic tradition, which requires sacrifices and rituals for peace with God. However, the Gospel of Christ is a message about what God has done for us with a single sacrifice. We ask for your prayers for the people with whom we share the Gospel. Pray that the Lord provides understanding and that the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of these people. Pray that they may comprehend the work of Christ with true faith, which is the only path to salvation. Pray for our weaknesses, that Christ may be exalted, and His name known around us.

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