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Asia Field Story

Language Learning Turned Gospel Presentation

"We don't know how God might use this in Brian's family's life, but we thank God for the opportunity to share with this family who lives in a more remote area with likely little to no access to the Gospel."

Language learning is hard, but God uses all sort of tasks to increase our language and our ability to share the gospel with others! Brad was asked to write a 15-minute version of his testimony in the local language to share in front of our local church. The stark contrast in Brad's life from before he knew Christ to after paints a wonderful picture of God's amazing grace. Though this was a challenging task given our current level of language, it was very fruitful. Not only did it help Brad further develop his spiritual language, it provided a great opportunity to share the Gospel with many people.

One of those people was Brian. Brian invited us to his home to meet his mother and brother, who were visiting for a few days from their hometown. While Brian speaks English, his mother and brother do not, so this was a great language experience for us! Brian's mother, Shey, is from a small village on the other side of the country, so she had never met an American before, and was very excited to meet us. In typical cultural style, Shey doted on Lana and stuffed us with foods that she had made, eager to share her culture with us.

At the time, Brad had just finished preparing his testimony to share with our church, so he asked Brian if he thought it would be good to "test" out the story on his family. He agreed that this would be the best way to see if it was done well and could be understood. After sitting down with them, we were able to share the entire story with them and learned that it was the first time they had ever heard the good news!

When Brad finished, Shey commented that it was a very beautiful story. We don't know how God might use this in Brian's family's life, but we thank God for the opportunity to share with this family who lives in a more remote area with likely little to no access to the Gospel.

We are grateful that the Lord used this responsibility that Brad was given to spread seeds of the gospel to many. We never know how our story will be shared and used for His glory, that others might know Him! God will use even the hard task of language learning to share the good news to others!

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