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S. America: Walk Thru the Bible for Children

Project #72007
Church Support Latin America

Many children in South America grow up with a general knowledge of God, but few really know Him, or read their Bibles and apply it to their lives. As they become adults, this leaves them vulnerable to false teachings, worldly influences, and misunderstandings of the true gospel.

Young people in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Colombia need resources to learn the Bible. Most importantly, they need teachers to walk them through it. To provide Biblical education for young people in South America, Avant has created a project to train local teachers how to walk through the Bible, giving them tools to both teach students and train other teachers.

Each training course lasts two days and will equip local teachers to lead their students in personal Bible study and application. The training will also provide resources for teachers so they can pass on what they learn to others, multiplying the impact. 

As a direct result of this project, we expect to impact 50,000 or more children and have 400 certified instructors with 30 national coaches trained to walk through the Bible with children. As each of these children passes on what they have learned to their families and friends, the number of lives that will be impacted by God’s Word through this project is innumerable!

We are working to raise $20,000 to fund these training courses, including travel expenses for the trainers, and the necessary materials. We are trusting God that as the next generation learns to walk with Him and to love His Word, they will bring others to walk alongside Him. Will you join us in this effort?

$20,000 Project Goal
$2,662 Amount Raised
$17,338 Still Needed
13% 100%

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