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Asia Church Planting Field Ministry

It’s Not a Coincidence

"Divine serendipity is the understanding that what seems like coincidence to us is really God’s sovereign purpose at work."

A common term at Avant Ministries is “divine serendipity.” It is the understanding that what seems like coincidence to us is really God’s sovereign purpose at work. Well, even before our team began the transition to Western Asia, God already started working…

In June, I connected with a friend regarding our plans to move to Western Asia. I discovered that my friend had a foreign exchange student from Western Asia who had been living with her during this past year. It turns out that the exchange student (Meral*) just came to faith in Christ last month and is moving back to Western Asia. Meral’s family “happens” to be moving in July to the same city where we will be living! This is what we mean by divine serendipity.

I was able to meet with Meral, hear her story, and exchange contact information just two days prior to Meral’s departure back to Western Asia. She’s only 17-years-old and doesn’t have any friends or family who are believers. Her country is largely unreached with the gospel, less than 1% of the population know the love of Jesus. This will be a great opportunity for me to encourage and disciple Meral, and also for her to assist me with language study when we get there.

*pseudonym used

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