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European Church Planting Summit

Project #71999
Church planting in Europe is a complex and often deeply discouraging endeavor. Whether a person is an Atheist, Muslim, Post-Modernist, Secularist, Orthodox, or from any other background, most Europeans have at least one thing in common- they are resistant to the Gospel. Evangelism is a slow-moving process. New believers experience varying degrees of persecution from family, friends, and coworkers. 

Those who have undertaken the task of planting churches in Europe face unique challenges that require specialized training and support. In an effort to provide this for our active missionaries, Avant is organizing an annual European Church Planting Summit. Those leading Avant’s church planting teams in Europe will be invited to this summit taking place at the end of October 2023. The group will meet for prayer, Bible study, and worship. They will experience peer-to-peer consultation to brainstorm and encourage one another. Attendees will receive further training in field orientation, decision-making as church leaders, and have time for planning and setting goals for their teams and church-plants.

Granting these missionaries an opportunity to step away from their normal ministry environment for a focused time of training and planning will be invaluable for their ministries long term. They will receive messages, content, and resources designed specifically for them and the context in which they are serving. They will be asked to contribute their thoughts and ideas about how to advance the mission as a whole, and how to address challenges we face as Christians and leaders in today’s world.

To provide this service to our missionaries, we are working to raise $24,500. This will cover the cost of the venue, food, lodging, and other expenses associated with the event. This summit will impact the planting and developing of churches in Northern Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and North Africa. We are excited to see how God uses this encouragement and training to advance His Kingdom!

$24,500 Project Goal
$500 Amount Raised
$24,000 Still Needed
2% 100%

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