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Europe Field Story

Morality Without God

“We know that God’s Word is alive and powerful, and I truly believe that this open door to talk about “Christian parenting” can lead to the Word reaching her heart and showing her, her need for Jesus!”

I became friends with *Maja over two years ago when we both found out we were pregnant for the first time. Her daughter and our son were born just 8 days apart. Walking through pregnancy and motherhood together has presented many opportunities for me to share my faith and the gospel with her, however she has never been interested in listening or learning more.
Before we left for Home Ministry Assignment this time, we hung out and I got to meet her second baby for the first time! As we caught up, she began to explain how she had been examining her parenting, and the parenting styles of her atheist family vs her husband’s catholic family. She recognized she saw a difference in their upbringings and didn’t want to raise her children how she was raised. She then asked about our views on parenting and faith. This was the first time she had asked me about my faith and was willing to listen! I had the opportunity to clearly share the Gospel again, and how it effects our parenting. She listened intently and asked a few more questions. She expressed how she would be interested in learning more about Christian parenting views, so I told her I had a book, translated into Slovene, about Christian parenting. She was very eager to borrow it! I also asked if she had a Bible at home, and she said no. I asked her if she would like a Bible which she declined. She said something to the effect of, “I’m not really interested in faith or the Bible, just Christian parenting principals.”
We find this with many Slovenes. They are interested in the morals of the Bible and how it can help their children to be “good people”, however, they are not interested in Jesus or the Bible itself. We know that God’s Word is alive and powerful, and I truly believe that this open door to talk about “Christian parenting” can lead to the Word reaching her heart and showing her, her need for Jesus!

  • Pray that through her reading this book, she would see the truth of the Gospel and the love of the Father.
  • Pray that she would see that being a good person is not enough to make you right with God.

Check out this video to learn more about the work the Lord is doing in Slovenia! 

*Pseudonym used

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