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Europe Field Story

The Business of Changing Lives

"God is in the business of changing lives. He always has been, and we can trust that He will continue to be."

“It is a ray of sunshine in my week.” “Last year (2019), I was depressed. I now have peace.” “I realize that I need to change direction.” “What is sin? Is there a list somewhere?” “Did Jesus say that He is coming back? We definitely need a shepherd.” “It is great to have the opportunity to share and discuss.”

This is just a sample of comments made by four French ladies that attend Bible study via skype. Since we began our study of John in October, we have doubled in size.  In fact, we even met during the winter break . . . because they wanted to continue despite the holidays.

It has been such a blessing to lead this group from very different backgrounds. One is from a Muslim background, one was raised in an atheist family, one is from a Catholic home, and one decided to follow Christ as a teenager.  

God is at work in the lives of these ladies. He is in the business of changing lives! The Lord is working in their lives and I’m reminded that He is always working and using difference seasons to accomplish His good work. The Lord also uses challenges in our lives to teach us lessons, mold and shape us and work in the lives of others.

Along with these ladies, I am also reminded of the story of my good friend *Emile. I have been thinking a lot about her. She passed away in 2018. She would have been so excited to see the change in her husband, *Gabriel. As we talked just after Thanksgiving, he shared that he was nearly finished reading the Bible for the fourth time in 2020! All the years of my friend Emile’s faithful prayers and witness…her husband is now following Jesus. Praise God that He still changes lives!

Each of these dear individuals has a unique story, each a different background, each a different past that has brought them to this point right now. There is joy and encouragement, hope and truth to meet us exactly in the day, season, and place in life that the Lord has us in through the study of His word and the work of the Holy Spirit.

God is in the business of changing lives. He always has been, and we can trust that He will continue to. He is changing lives in France and all around the world. I would venture to say He is also changing lives right where you are. May we have eyes to see and be in awe of the work of the Lord exactly where He has us.

  • Please pray that those who have not yet decided for Christ would trust Him for salvation.

*Pseudonym used

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